Rogue trader online subtitulada

Rogue trader online subtitulada

Rogue trader online subtitulada

Anna friel

It tells the story of Nick Leeson, the trader who (allegedly) bankrupted Barings Bank with his Nikkei derivatives (options and futures) trades from the bank’s Singapore headquarters in the mid-1990s.
The film faithfully follows the story told by Leeson himself in his book. For the details of the trades it is preferable to read the book because in the film it is not clear how the trades were made, at what price, how the losses mounted and what Leeson did in the face of each new setback, etc.
The film does not deviate in any way from the story narrated in the book, but it does not dwell on the details that are more interesting for those who are interested in the world of the Stock Exchange and it overlooks everything related to the supports and resistances that the Nikkei had in that period, the strategies that Leeson used with the options and futures on that index, what measures he took to cover (temporarily) the guarantees and the daily liquidation of losses and profits that the market demanded, etc.

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Repelis Jarhead 2: Campo de fuego (2014) Película Completa Online gratis y Latino VER AHORA DESCARGAR Destrozado por la batalla y desilusionado por la guerra, el cabo Chris Merrimette es puesto al mando de una unidad cuya próxima misión es reabastecer un remoto puesto de avanzada en el límite del territorio controlado por los talibanes. Mientras conducen por la hostil provincia de Helmand, un SEAL de la Armada hace bajar su convoy y alista a la unidad en una operación de importancia internacional: deben ayudar a escapar del país a una mujer afgana famosa por su desafío a los talibanes. Sin tanques ni apoyo aéreo, Merrimette y su equipo necesitarán todo el valor y la potencia de fuego que puedan reunir para abrirse camino a través del país devastado por la guerra y llevar a la mujer a un lugar seguro. Jarhead 2: Field of Fire 2014 Título original: Jarhead 2: Field of Fire Lanzamiento: 2014-08-14 Duración: 103 minutos Votar: 6.1 por 168 usuarios Géneros: Guerra,Acción Estrellas: Cole Hauser, Josh Kelly, Danielle Savre, Bokeem Woodbine, Jesse Garcia, Esai

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