Florentino perez hormiguero criptomoneda

Florentino perez hormiguero criptomoneda

Florentino perez hormiguero criptomoneda

Florentino pérez: «mi empresa factura 105 ó 110 millones de

Pablo motos florentino perez bitcoinContenidosCarlos latre se convierte en el doble de florentinoLa visita de Will Smith a El hormiguero en 2012, cuando el programa aún estaba en Cuatro, fue un boom para Pablo Motos. «Le dejé dirigir porque me di cuenta de que sabía mucho más que yo», reconoce. De aquella emisión, un gran éxito de audiencia, surgió una excelente amistad entre el actor y el presentador.
Pablo Motos se ha despedido de Antena 3 hasta después del verano. El Hormiguero deja de emitirse a partir de este martes y no volverá hasta el 6 de septiembre, cuando comience la nueva temporada de la cadena.
La presentadora Anne Igartiburu estuvo este jueves como invitada en El Hormiguero para hablar de su participación como dobladora de uno de los personajes animados de la película Espíritu Indomable. Pablo Motos aprovechó para hacer un balance de su carrera televisiva.
Josie fue el invitado de este miércoles en El Hormiguero. El estilista habló con Pablo Motos sobre moda, estilo y famosos. Pero el momento más curioso llegó cuando el presentador le recordó las críticas que le hizo por su look en la boda de Sergio Ramos y Pilar Rubio.Nuria roca repasa los falsos titulares en las redes.El futbolista Santi Cazorla fue el invitado de ayer en El Hormiguero, donde estuvo hablando de toda su carrera deportiva, pero también él y Pablo Motos compartieron impresiones sobre un evento al que ambos asistieron hace unos días, la boda de Sergio Ramos y Pilar Rubio el pasado 15 de junio.

Juan roig mocks the progre language: «empresas y empresos».

Tamara Falcó missed again this Thursday her appointment with El Hormiguero. The collaborator participates in the current affairs table every week with Cristina Pardo, Nuria Roca and Juan del Val in the program presented by Pablo Motos.
Felipe González’s interview on Antena 3’s El Hormiguero had a part reserved for Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government. When asked by Pablo Motos, González acknowledged that he has not spoken to Pedro Sánchez since the current leader of the PSOE presented in 2018 the motion of censure against Rajoy.
The journalist has shown this Tuesday her funniest side talking about her day to day, her dog Lula, her card games with friends and even sex: «I no longer remember how to do ‘that’. Better not leave the memory,» said María Teresa Campos with a laugh.
Pablo Motos will receive next week the visit of a politician who has never stepped on the set of El Hormiguero and who hardly appears on television. Felipe González, former President of the Government, will attend the Antena 3 program, as announced by its presenter on Monday.

Carlos latre becomes florentino’s stuntman

El Hormiguero has started its 16th season with the visit of Pilar Rubio. The collaborator has been the first guest, coinciding with her new life in Paris after her husband, Sergio Ramos, has signed for PSG.
Will Smith’s visit to El hormiguero in 2012, when the program was still on Cuatro, was a boom for Pablo Motos. «I let him direct because I realized that he knew much more than I did,» he admits. From that broadcast, a great success in terms of audience, an excellent friendship arose between the actor and the presenter.
Pablo Motos has said goodbye to Antena 3 until after the summer. El Hormiguero stops broadcasting from this Tuesday and will not return until September 6, when the new season of the channel will begin.
The presenter Anne Igartiburu was a guest at El Hormiguero this Thursday to talk about her participation as the dubbing of one of the animated characters of the movie Spirit-Indomable. Pablo Motos took the opportunity to take stock of her television career.

El hormiguero 3.0 – nuria roca reviews on

Florentino Pérez, Ana Botín, Amancio Ortega, Alejandro Sanz, Cristiano Ronaldo… These are just a few examples of a long list of successful people that everyone knows and who supposedly endorse investing in bitcoins, this time in a fraudulent page called bancosyfinanzas.com, with alleged address at «1457 Spinnaker Lane, Chicago IL, 60632».
Florentino Pérez is also supposed to have commented in this regard that «never before in history have we had such an incredible opportunity for normal people to earn so much money in such a short time».
Logically, it is all false. Starting from the fact that Pablo Motos never interviewed Florentino Perez to talk about bitcoins. The truth is that the page, which already has some experience, uses the cryptocurrency and popular characters as a claim in order to obtain data and, on this occasion, hard cash, and immediately.
There are many pages just as fake, but this one is a reference on the Internet, with that appearance and that apparent name, bancosyfinanzas.com, which soon turns into extra-gains.com and ipmclick.com as they lead you to their terrain.

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