Criptomoneda bajon

Criptomoneda bajon


The main factor that is influencing this fall seems to be Elon Musk. A few days ago Tesla backtracked and stated that you could no longer buy its cars as bitcoin, but also this weekend it was suggested that the firm was going to sell some of the bitcoins it had acquired months ago. Musk seemed to confirm this only to deny it a few hours ago, and the price is now taking real bounces.
Musk replied shortly afterwards with an ‘Indeed’, which caused a further jolt in the price of bitcoin, which had been hovering around $48,000 up to that point. Its value plummeted, and a few hours ago it was below $43,000.
Even Ethereum, which had maintained a strong upward trend for weeks and has already exceeded 4,200 dollars, has also fallen significantly and is now around 3,500 dollars. Many others are also falling, although Dogecoin, for example, is doing so to a lesser extent at the moment and is holding at $0.50.


The price of Bitcoin is falling again. This time much more than the drop following the announcement that Tesla that it would stop accepting the cryptocurrency. In fact it has fallen so much that virtually all the gains it has generated throughout 2021 have been completely erased. If it drops below $29,388, we’re back to 2020 levels.
This time it’s not Elon Musk’s fault, or his tweets, or his opinions, or Tesla. The price of Bitcoin is falling because of two major decisions that have been made in China. This has slowed the pace of mining -evidencing one of the main problems of cryptocurrencies- and foreshadows a possible complicated future at the regulatory level.
The motive is to «protect financial stability, end speculation, prevent money laundering and prevent crimes.» Coincidentally, the country is starting operations of its own cryptocurrency, the digital Yuan, controlled and heavily regulated by the country’s central bank. From that point of view, Bitcoin is an obvious threat.

Bitcoin news brazil

The bitcoin was down 30% before the opening of Wall Street and since the all-time high of 64,869 dollars (53,100 euros) reached on April 14, the cryptocurrency lost at times during the session almost 50% of its value. At its intraday lows, it fell to 30,384 dollars, the lowest level since the beginning of January.
If it had remained at these levels, it would have confirmed the break of a key support, such as the $37,000-38,000-$37,000 zone. Precisely, the next support is in the $30,000 area, where the 300-session moving average passes.
From a market sentiment point of view, Molina comments, «we have gone from the euphoria of a few months ago to levels of extreme fear». «For the contrary opinion, it would be necessary to observe the evolution of this indicator, because the whole social issue is of vital importance in the world of cryptoassets, opening the way to a certain upward reaction. If we remain in this state of fear, it would confirm the possibility of attacking the $30,000 zone,» the analyst adds.

Bitcoin news

The bitcoin extended losses this Tuesday with falls of more than 12%, a correction that has led it to lose the 50,000 dollars it first conquered last February 16. Thus, the particular rally of the main cryptocurrency loses steam after reaching an all-time high of 58,500 dollars two days ago.
The decline of bitcoin drags down other cryptocurrencies Ethereum, the second most important cryptocurrency by market capitalization and which often moves in line with bitcoin, also fell more than 17% and trades at around 1,461 dollars, a drop of almost 30% compared to the record it reached last week.

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